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About EconAI



We are a team of economists and data scientists at the forefront of integrating machine learning with economic research.


Our mission is to tackle pressing global challenges such as armed conflict, economic development and poverty, economic crises, political instability, and climate change through innovative approaches at the nexus of economics and artificial intelligence.


EconAI stands as a beacon of innovation and applied knowledge, where cutting-edge technology meets deep economic insight to shape a better, more informed world.








Selected Projects


Selected Articles

Academic Articles


How Big is the Media Multiplier? Evidence from Dyadic News Data.

Besley; Tim, Hannes Mueller and Thiemo Fetzer

Review of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming


Introducing a Global Dataset on Conflict Forecasts and News Topics.

Hannes Mueller, Christopher Rauh and Benjamin Seimon

Data & Policy, forthcoming



Stelios Michalopoulos and Christopher Rauh

NBER Working Paper 32220


Economic Uncertainty and Divisive Politics: Evidence from the "dos Españas"

Garcia-Uribe; Sandra, Hannes Mueller and Carlos Sanz

The Journal of Economic History, 84 pp. 40 - 73


Building Bridges to Peace: A Quantitative Evaluation of Power-Sharing Agreements

Hannes Mueller and Christopher Rauh

Economic Policy


Floods, Droughts and Environmental Circumscription in Early State Development: The Case of Ancient Egypt

Laura Mayoral and Ola Olsson

Journal of Economic Growth, forthcoming


The hard problem of prediction for conflict prevention

Hannes Mueller and Christopher Rauh

Journal of the European Economic Association, 20(6), 2440-2467


Using past violence and current news to predict changes in violence.

Hannes Mueller and Christopher Rauh

International Interactions 48, 579-596


Groups in Conflict: Private and Public Prizes

Laura Mayoral and Debraj Ray

Journal of Development Economics, 154


Reading between the lines: Prediction of political violence using newspaper text.

Hannes Mueller and Christopher Rauh

American Political Science Review 112, 358-375


Monitoring War Destruction from Space Using Machine Learning

Mueller; Hannes, Andre Groeger, Jonathan Hersh, Andrea Matranga and Joan Serrat

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (23)

Other Articles and Reports


Dynamic Early Warning and Action Model

Hannes Mueller, Christopher Rauh and Alessandro Ruggieri

For Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office


Social Divisions and Conflict

Joan Esteban and Laura Mayoral

Forthcoming, Handbook of Economics of Conflict, Edited by M.Morelli, D. Ray and T. Sjostrom


Principal Investigators

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Laura Mayoral

Institute for Economic Analysis and Barcelona School of Economics.

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Hannes Mueller

Institute for Economic Analysis and Barcelona School of Economics

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Christopher Rauh

University of Cambridge, PRIO, CEPR, HCEO, IZA



Data Scientists

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Institute for Economic Analysis

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Fundación de Economía Analítica

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Barcelona School of Economics

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Spanish National Research Council